About Us » Absence Reporting and Attendance

Absence Reporting and Attendance

If your child is going to be absent, please call the school at 714-986-7250 and press 3 to access the attendance line. Please indicate the reason the student will be absent and if they will be absent for one day or for several days in succession. This will help us in not having to call each day to verify the absence. If the parent has NOT called the office previously, a note from the parent to verify the student’s absence is required to be turned into the office on the day the student returns. Otherwise, the absence could result in an “unexcused” absence.  
You can also report the absence via the following form: https://forms.gle/D8RNJ5MbbZNhDTEZ8
Education Code 48205 identifies acceptable reasons for “excused” absences, although the school does not receive funding. Students may be given the opportunity to complete work which is reasonably close to, but not necessarily identical to missed work.
The following reasons are valid and excused:
  1. Illness (school may require doctor’s note and will require a doctor’s verification if school deems absences are excessive)
  2. Quarantine
  3. Medical, dental, or optometric services
  4. Funeral services of a member of the immediate family (1 day in-state; 3 days out-of-state)
    Exclusion for medical reasons
Education Code 48260 states that students absent without valid excuse 3 full days in one school year or tardy or absent for more than any 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on 3 occasions in one school year, or any combination thereof, is a truant and must be reported to the district.
The following are NOT excusable absences:
1. Birthday or other celebrations (other than legal holidays)
2. Missing your ride or bus to school
3. Truancy
4. Vacations or shopping trips
Independent Study Contract
PYLUSD Board Policy provides regulations and procedures for the provision of educational opportunities to students while on extended absence due to family emergency, educational travel, and/or vacation**. If your child will be absent for an extended period (minimum of 3 consecutive school days), please notify the office or teacher at least one week in advance of the absence so that an Independent Study Contract can be developed for your child.
**NOTE: Without a completed Independent Study Contract, these absences are considered
unexcused and/or truant.